Coronavirus Impact on Global Economy

Coronavirus: Impact on Global Economy

The spread of Covid-19 pandemic was ever faster than the world could imagine. The alarming speed infected millions, carrying the world economies to a standstill, causing largest of the economic shocks that the world ever saw. The recession during this time was deepest across the …

Selling during Covid

Selling during Covid 19

Retaining sales movements during a Covid crisis has turned into a major concern for every business player, whether big or small.  An important major trend noticed during this time, even from the best salespersons and leaders, is a bias for action. Lockdown did not just …

Unemployement in India

Unemployment in India

The Question about Unemployment in India is often asked in Group Discussion(GD) rounds as the unemployment situation remained in India right from its Independence. Unemployment is a situation of lack of jobs even when people are ready and willing to work. In India, this issue …