India vs Canada

India vs Canada: What’s The Rift About?

Currently, India and Canada are in the news because of their diplomatic storm that has notable implications. Not only for their bilateral relations but also for international geopolitics. And that makes this topic one of the trending topics to converse about at GD. As per …


Indian Census GD Topic – Pros and Cons of Caste-Based Census

Cenuse debate has taken all over in India especially when opposition leaders demand caste-based census. For Indian politics, census has always been an important factor as most of the strategies are around either religion or caste. Indian government is planning to start the censure soon …


Pros and Cons of E-Learning  –  Trending GD Topics

Technology is expanding itself in almost all sectors and the education sector is no different. In recent times with the advancement in technology, the cheap internet and pandemics have significantly grown e-learning. E-learning has been a boon for the education system as it allows students …

impact of movies on youth

Impact of Movies on Youth – Trending GD Topic for MBA

Movies have always been the talking point in our society. People follow what happens in the movies, whether opting for a new clothing style or hairstyle, selecting a career option, buying a car, or travelling. Movies have always greatly influenced society’s mindset. People in India …


Artificial Intelligence – Pros and Cons of AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence is the new buzz in the information technology industry. It has become a point of debate and gossip all over the world. Companies such as Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, Apple, and Tesla are leveraging the capabilities of AI. Well, no one can deny …


Night Owls vs Early Birds – Which one is you?

Over the years, much debate has been about night owls vs early birds. Some people do their best work in the late hours of the night. At the same time, others find peace at sunrise and believe that the early morning hours are the most …


Reservations for Locals in Private Jobs – Quota in Private Jobs for Local

Recently, the Karnataka cabinet approved a draft bill that says it is mandatory to give reservations to locals for private jobs. The Karnataka State Employment of Local Candidates in the Industries, Factories, and Other Establishments Bill 2024 makes compulsory quotas in the private sector. As …


Reality of Reality Shows in India: Pros and cons |GD Topic

In the last decade reality shows have been the most popular content on television. Almost every television has some kind of reality show. In starting everything it seems to be an amazing initiative as it gives the platform to talented people. This is the reason …