Appearing for the CMAT exam 2025? and want to know about the last-minute preparation tips for CMAT exam. We have got you covered! CMAT exam online registration closes on December 13, 2024, and candidates are left with only a few days. Now, is the time to prepare, buckle up, and boost your strength. The NTA has announced the date of the CMAT Exam Date to be January 25, 2025.
In 2024, the CMAT examination was conducted by NTA on 15 May 2024. Now the CMAT aspirants have more than a month to prepare. Therefore, to strengthen your preparation for your CMAT examination, We have come up with some last-minute essential tips, tricks, and strategies for your preparation.
5 Last-minute CMAT 2024 Preparation Tips to Score Big

CMAT 2025 is almost here and we are sure you are done with your syllabus for the exam. So, now it’s the right time to train your mind, deal with exam anxiety, and be positive.
Let’s check out these simple tips to boost your chances of scoring big in the upcoming CMAT exam.
1. Time Management
Heard of time management so many times but never understood how to do it for maximum productivity? We will help you out! When discussing entrance or competitive exams, time is the utmost important factor. Learning time management skills is important or all of your preparation will go down the drain.
Studies show that 80% of people fail to manage time properly in examinations and 55% of students think they need more time in exams.
Most of the students fail to attempt questions because of their poor time management. That’s why practice beforehand on how to answer all the questions in the given time frame.
Prepare your schedule and make a strategy based on your syllabus. Divide your time among the subjects and jot down what section needs how much time. In this way, you can prep yourself and manage time in the exam.
2. Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers are Very Important
Even though you are sure about your studies and confident in your preparation, don’t forget to practice mock tests and attempt the previous year’s papers. This will help you gain confidence and take your closer to your goal of scoring good marks in the exam. The saying “Practice Makes Perfect” applies to your last-minute CMAT preparation as well.
Increasing the number of mock tests will improve the level of preparation. Try to spend two hours revising each section in the last week. Solving the previous year’s paper of CMAT also helped with time management for exams.
3. Focus on Accuracy and Speed
“Topper is the one who has done the most number of right questions not the person with the most number of attempted questions”. Well, this is the truth when it comes to competitive examinations like CMAT because negative marks will drag your score low. To avoid the negative mark situation try solving a maximum number of questions you are sure about. Rest then calculate in your mind if you are scoring more than CMAT’s last year’s cutoff by a good margin. If yes don’t take risks otherwise try to solve the question if you have some doubts.
Also, the CMAT Exam has 100 questions and you have only 3 hours to solve them. Do your best with the questions that need less time and slowly move towards time-taking ones. Because all the questions carry the same weight.
4. Revision is Must
One of the most important tips during your last-minute exam preparation is revision. When you have very little time on your hand and you are exhausted, then don’t start with a fresh or new topic. Rather, go for revision, that will give you confidence about what you already know.
And you will be sure about what you have read till now. Revision gives you an idea about how much you can remember from one topic.
5 . Make a Strategic Planning of Different Sections
Following are some of the most important cmat topics that you need to cover in your last-minute exam preparation-

General Awareness
General Awareness is indeed a vast yet important topic to cover during your preparation. You need to read every day to be updated and answer right in the exam. So, to finish this section you need to revise some important topics such as history, current affairs, and other similar subjects. This is a time-saving section as current affairs are always the tip of the tongue, you can answer fast if you remember everything.
Data Interpretation & Quantitative Techniques
This section is the most high-scoring section in your CMAT paper and it will help you add on marks to score high. The data interpretation and quantitative techniques questions are less complicated in comparison with other sections. To crack this section, you must practice 5 questions from each topic of different types and you are good to go.
Logical Reasoning
The more you solve the questions related to Reasoning, the more you become perfect in answering fast. This section also requires a lot of practice (you must do at least one question daily). Critical Reasoning, Data Arrangement, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Input/Output Analysis, and Direction Sense are some important topics covered in this section.
Language Comprehension
Language comprehension is one of the sections which is quite complicated (at least for me). So, Practice! Practice! Practice!
Learn Sentence Correction, Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Analogies, Sentence Completion, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Para Jumbles, and more. Most of the questions related to this topic may seem complicated sometimes.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This is the latest section added to the syllabus of the CMAT examination and the questions are based on real-life scenarios. You can answer the questions in this section with some practice and a good understanding of the fundamentals. Prepare by looking at case studies, the latest trends and innovations, and business practices.
What are the Benefits of Appearing for the CMAT Exam 2025?
- It is simpler for the aspirants to achieve a good score, in the CMAT examination than on the CAT.
- Several top B schools in India accept CMAT scores; some are better for the new generation and baby IIMs.
- Apart from the previously mentioned benefits, the CMAT cut-offs for admission are not high. So with a decent CMAT score, you can enroll in a renowned MBA college.
- CMAT has a syllabus similar to other entrance examinations so students preparing for other examinations also take this exam.
- Students preparing for CMAT develop skills in areas like Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, and Language Comprehension, giving them a competitive edge in the job market