
Reality of Reality Shows in India: Pros and cons |GD Topic

In the last decade reality shows have been the most popular content on television. Almost every television has some kind of reality show. In starting everything it seems to be an amazing initiative as it gives the platform to talented people. This is the reason why reality shows have seen the highest TRP in television history. Things are different nowadays as there is no reality in reality shows. Fake emotional scripts, fake fights, exploitation of kids, showing negative things and glorifying bad habits. In this article, we’ll discuss the reality of Reality shows in India with their positive and negative impact.


Positive Impact of Reality Shows

  1. People watch these shows for the entertainment purposes and shows deliver that in the best possible manner. Suspense, fun, emotions, songs, fights almost you can witness everything in reality shows.
  2. One of the major positives of reality is that it normalises the following passion. People usually have fear of pursuing their passion like dancing and singing as a society will not appreciate it. Reality shows come to India and push the raw talent and give an equal platform to everyone. 
  3. It brings the struggle of people in front of the world which they would have never told. People who are introverts to reality shows have a have of expressing themselves. 
  4. Apart from the same boring daily soap, reality shows bring some fresh content every time. 
  5. It’s not about the good network, wealthy people, or good looks, these shows are about the real talent. 
  6. Shows Like KBC, and Satymave Jayte show us how television can bring change in society.

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Negative Impact of Reality Shows

  1. All the things shown in these shows are not real and 90% of them are fake. It is just to play with the emotions of the audience. In many reality shows like Bigboss, Indian Idol, and Splitsvilla the viewers complain about the favourites and predict the winner in half a season.
  2. To win a show winner needs to pay a portion of their winning amount to the show or they bind in a contract with the channel. In some cases, we have also seen things such as the casting couch.
  3. Shows like Bigboss promote hate, and abusive language in society. It glorifies the making of fake relationships for the show.
  4. Tjese shows now show fake emotions just to win the hearts of the audience. They create the sad stories of the constant for the view. Instead of showing the real struggle they make a story and promote it.
  5. Making a mockery of people, sometimes you may have witnessed them call the parent of content from a humble background ask things which they might not know and then pay sympathy.
  6. It also impact the minds of children negative way. They consume shows like Spiltsvilla, Biggboss, and Roadies which promote nudity, and hate speech.

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Reality shows are good for us as content and as international but taking them too seriously is not required. As makers of these shows owners need to bring back the true essence of these which contributes to society. If shows are more on reality and less on drama then there is no better option than reality shows to watch. As an audience, we also need to promote the related things if we keep on promoting the wrong shows and hate culture then people will make more shows like that. We all know the industry works on profit and they only create the things people are watching. So we all are collectively responsible for things we are seeing on television.

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