“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” – by Tuli Kupferberg
Indeed, the pattern has changed, and we are walking towards a new world. A bright new world full of mixed emotions and filled with confusion. What are the impact of 2020 on 2021 due to Covid 19, a mind full of “what will happen now” and a pocket full of “uncertainty”.
Also Read: Lesson for the world from covid 19
So, What do you think 2020 is good or bad for you?
2020 is by far accepted as the worst year in the history of the Earth but that’s debatable because there have been years worst than this but yes this too has been a difficult year in terms of many things ranging from health to economy to deaths of celebrities. We’ve suffered losses that are great to break anyone’s back. Not that we don’t have the capacity to bounce back but it will take some time to get things back in order.
Events in 2020 will strongly shape the world in 2021
These are the impact of Covid 19 on different Sectors that effect 2020 and which will drastically impact the year 2021.
Impact of Covid 19 on Healthcare Sector
2020 gave us a crisis, COVID-19. It turned the world upside down with a deadly virus thrown at us which left people baffled. No cure, no vaccine, no specific medication.
Hospital bills mounting higher than Mt. Everest which has left common person perplexed and asking “Is this the country I should be living in” because let’s admit healthcare of this country, I mean India, is the worst.
The USA has Obamacare for the poor and middle class, what do we have? Medical insurance doesn’t cover even 50% of the bills but the premium is equal to a two months salary of a middle-class person.
Medical insurance in other countries gives the facility to purchase their prescriptions on that insurance for as long as they need, but we must pay extra amounts for medicines which are quite expensive.
“Is the government doing enough”? The answer of course is 50-50, but for a person who works 14-16 hours a day to lead a healthy and happy life, the government surely has failed them.
Now that the common person doesn’t want to reveal whether he is sick or healthy, in fact, he believes it is best he recuperates at home because he cannot afford the hospital care which the result is going to increase the mortality rate.
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Impact of Covid 19 on Employment

The 2nd thing 2020 gave us is Unemployment or Employed with no pay. This pandemic has forced a liquidity crisis on everyone. The labor class left their jobs in lieu of the pandemic and started walking towards their native place thinking it would be best for them. In fact, this resulted in the work being stopped and money circulation halted, not only for them but also for the country.
Most of the companies resorted to deferment of salaries and some even took step to terminate the contract of people leaving them jobless and in cases homeless as they do not have rent to pay.
Some companies gave the people to be on the job but forget about getting paid till the times have returned to normal. Since people are scared that they might not land another job, they remain to stay with the one they have.
Impact of Covid 19 on Indian Economy

Next up Economic Crisis. COVID 19 gave India GDP contraction was at -23.9, all because of no jobs, overburdened healthcare, and complete economic lockdown. Nothing was getting manufactured, no sales, no import or export, nothing.
This where the Government has been the biggest lockdown by not planning their steps accordingly.
The Finance Minister is just clueless. India’s hope is to get advice from Raghuram Rajan and do as he says because when it comes to economics that man surely knows a lot, but let’s admit he was insulted enough by the government that he for his self-respect left his job and he was right to do so. This country should suffer if they don’t choose their government properly.
Why impact of 2020 is good for you?
Let’s look at some good things as well. Yes, there have been some good things, it’s all about perspective. These things are going to remain with us for the future.
Positive Impact of Covid 19 on Education System & Technology
2020 gave us knowledge of technology, which is one good thing that happened among all the chaos. People now know how to use technology for their benefit. Online classes, online training, work from home jobs, online grocery shopping, everything is now at your fingertips.
People who were not comfortable with technology are now Master of it. Teachers who did not think their classroom would move ahead of books and blackboard can now have a laugh at how they have become so tech-friendly, that they are handling their teaching material and issues of kids online, oh and using a whiteboard.
Positive Impact of Covid 19 on Environment

Climate Change, major positive change. Mother Earth could finally breathe! The lockdown resulted in about 20% of outdoor activities which in return gave Earth the time to heal. Pollution levels were dropped, Rivers became pristine, no garbage on the sideroad, fewer cars on the road.
People started loving the atmosphere, the air was fresh to take. Now it all depends on people, how they maintain this positivity.
More work from home jobs, which is a win situation for all. We will have to maintain social distancing norms even in the future, even if there comes out a vaccine because we are not sure how long is it going to be effective.
So more and more companies are now thinking of converting their usual desk job into work from home jobs because it maintains the sanity and health of the employee as well as improves their work performance, which is obvious because they won’t waste their time in the unnecessary coffee break and gossips and office politics.
The pandemic has been hard on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. That’s how 2020 will impact 2021 and It is a big change for all of us, a big change in the usual way of leading a life. 2020 has come with its own set of rules to follow and I’m afraid to say we must follow them if we want to live a good and healthy life. Times will change because nothing is permanent but until then we must hold onto whatever we have and make the best of it.
After all, “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” – Deepak Chopra