
CAT 2024 Exam Analysis: Comprehensive Review and Key Takeaways

The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2024 maintained its reputation as a competitive and unpredictable exam. This year, the test presented a moderate difficulty level, with some notable changes in the pattern and question types. The overall difficulty varied across slots, with the evening slot being the easiest, while the afternoon slot was the most challenging.

Here’s a detailed section-wise and slot-wise breakdown of the CAT 2024, along with strategies for success and expected cutoffs.

Key Pattern Changes in CAT 2024

  1. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR):
    • Number of questions increased from 20 to 22.
    • Mixed sets of 4-question and 5-question groups.
  2. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC):
    • Para Formation questions were removed.
    • Intermixing of Reading Comprehension (RC) and Verbal Ability (VA) questions.
  3. Quantitative Ability (QA):
    • Slightly easier compared to previous years, with fewer difficult questions.

Section-Wise Difficulty Overview

  • VARC: Moderate to Difficult. While the removal of Para Formation simplified the section for some, the intermixing of RC and VA questions added complexity.
  • DILR: Slightly easier than in previous years but required strong reasoning skills for complex sets.
  • QA: Relatively easier, with a focus on arithmetic and fewer tough algebra or geometry questions.

CAT Exam Slot-Wise Analysis

Morning Slot (Slot 1):

  • Overview: The morning session was moderately challenging but well-balanced across sections.
  • VARC: RC passages ranged from easy to moderate difficulty. Easier passages included “Australia’s Bandicoots” and “Accessibility of Modern Movie Content.” Topics like “Homo Economicus” and “Crafts & Manufacturing” were more demanding.
  • DILR:
    • Easier sets: “Candle-Stick Pattern of Stocks” and “Ratings & Bloggers.”
    • Tougher sets: “Countries Visited” and “Elections.”
  • QA: Arithmetic-based questions dominated, providing relief to test-takers. A few algebraic problems required deeper analysis.
  • Overall: A moderately difficult session, with strategic question selection being the key to scoring well.

Afternoon Slot (Slot 2):

  • Overview: The afternoon slot emerged as the toughest among all three slots.
  • VARC: RC passages on themes like “How Spices Changed the World” and “Open Peer Reviews” were complex, requiring critical reasoning. VA questions like Odd Man Out proved challenging.
  • DILR:
    • Challenging sets: “Number Grid” and “Athletes and Coaches.”
    • Easier sets: “Streets and Lakes.”
  • QA: Slightly tougher than the morning slot. Arithmetic questions remained manageable, but algebra and geometry problems were more time-intensive.
  • Overall: Test-takers faced a more intense challenge, demanding sharper time management and adaptability.

Evening Slot (Slot 3):

  • Overview: The evening slot was the easiest, providing some relief to test-takers.
  • VARC: RC passages like “Impact of AI on Culture” and “Extinction of Languages” were straightforward. The passage on “Contamination of Mars” required more scientific reasoning.
  • DILR:
    • Easier sets: “OTT Users” and “Countries GDP.”
    • Complex sets: “ATM Network” and “Food Grains Content.”
  • QA: Arithmetic and algebra questions dominated, making it easier for students who prepared well in these areas.
  • Overall: A well-balanced slot with a relatively lower difficulty level.

Expected CAT 2024 Cutoffs

The following table outlines the expected scores for different percentiles:


Check out – Expected IIM Cutoff 2024

Key Takeaways for CAT Aspirants

  1. Strategic Question Selection: Focus on identifying the easier sets or questions to maximize your score.
  2. Time Management: Allocate time wisely across sections and within individual questions.
  3. Practice and Accuracy: Regular practice and maintaining high accuracy are crucial for success.
  4. Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt to new patterns and varying difficulty levels across sections.


CAT 2024 challenged test-takers with a mix of changes and complexities across sections. While some sections were easier than in previous years, others required sharper reasoning and time-management skills. Understanding the pattern, identifying scoring opportunities, and practicing consistently remain the keys to excelling in CAT.

If you’re preparing for the next CAT or evaluating your performance, consider focusing on arithmetic for QA, improving critical reasoning for VARC, and mastering logical reasoning for DILR. Strategic preparation and adaptability will ensure you are ready to ace the exam.

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